since i'm simple-minded and extremely immature, it should be no surprise that i found the above picture of mike d'antoni's apparent admiration of the female form unbelievably hilarious. i imagine that as this picture was taken, d'antoni was saying something like "hubba, hubba", "...huge!", "nice rack!!" or something equally perverted. i'd call coach d'antoni a pig but he'd probably just respond, "oink, oink mama" and continue on lusting left and right. and besides, who among us can say that they've never had eyes for the occasional buxom beauty? i can't, and obviously neither can coach mike d'antoni. anyways, since i doubt d'antoni is the only coach this applies to, and also because i've found this one picture so funny, from now on when i see a picture of a coach, i'm assuming it was taken while they were in the middle of harrasing women. as such, here are some of the seedy degenrates around the league.
pervj carlesimo - seattle supersonics
mike danpervy - phoenix suns
pervj carlesimo - seattle supersonics
pervsiah thomas - new york knicks
stan van pervy - orlando magic
pervie jordan - washington wizards
perv karl - denver nuggets
pervery johnson - dallas mavericks
doc pervers - boston celtics
don pervson - golden state warriors
pervy sloan - utah jazz
gregg pervovich - san antonio spurs
mike dunpervy - los angeles clippers
sam pervernt - charlotte bobcats
jim o'pervy - indiana pacers
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